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Erik Schnetter Theoretische Astrophysik Universitaet Tuebingen Germany Web: http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de Email: schnetter@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.deBrief Description of Application:
Number of Lines of Code: 1000
Target Platforms and HPF Compilers Used:
Coding Styles (data decompositions, computational methods):
Extrinsic Interfaces Used (and reasons):
Performance Information, if Available (including any possible comparisons to MPI and/or OpenMP):
We also have a MPI version of the code that uses explicit domain decomposition and has been hand-tuned for memory consumption. The (yet untuned) HPF version uses a lot more memory and is also several times slower at finding interacting particles. Evaluating interactions happens at the same speed, therefore the overall computing times are comparable. The HPF version scales better with large numbers of processors.
Please comment on any aspects of the application that might be interesting, including any problems using HPF effectively:
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