The equations of magnetohydrodynamics are solved on a 3 dimensional grid, using a 6th order finite difference method and a 3rd order time evolution. Applications include a variety of astrophysical problems where magnetic fields play an important role in the dynamics of the plasma.
Performs quantum mechanical calculations for atoms, molecules and solids based on the Density
Functional Theory (DFT). These calculations are performed on a real space mesh which is
adapted to suit spatially inhomogeneous requirements of resolution for an accurate description of
a system. Results include electronic structure, total energy and Hellman-Feynman forces on
atoms. Using the forces, the code also performs structural relaxation to minimum energy energy
We have implemented an algorithm in HPF for the rapid evaluation of the potential and force
fields in systems involving large numbers of particles whose interaction are Coulombic or
gravitational in nature. The code is based on Dr. Chris Anderson's hierarchical O(N) N-body
algorithm derived from computational elements based on Poisson's formula. In a system of N
particles, an amount of work of the order O(N^2) has been traditionally required to evaluate all
pair-wise interactions unless some approximation or truncation method is used. Dr. Chris
Anderson's algorithm requires an amount of work proportional to N to evaluate all interactions
making it considerably more practical for large-scale problems encountered in plasma physics,
fluid dynamics, molecular dynamics and celestial mechanics. Our code has been integrated in a
molecular dynamics simulations package.
3D Steady state fluid flow and mass transfer and consumption in biofilms:
Navier-Stokes solvers for highly irregular geometries (low Reynolds numbers):
(+) Lattice Boltzmann Method (D3Q15)
(+) Finite Differences (artificial compressibility, explicit scheme)
semilinear convection-diffusion/diffusion-reaction equation for mass transfer and consumption
(+) discretization: combined HOC/CDS finite difference
solver: Newton method with BiCGTAB for linear (Jacobian) subsystem
A Post-stack 3D Seismic Depth Migration Code for imaging of inhomogeneous subsurface with a split convolutional approach. The depth extrapolation of the seismic stack is achieved by the convolution with a filter in the space-frequency domain. The filter is designed as an interpolation of 1D filters for a set of reference, constant velocities, choosen by an information-theoretical criterion.
Computational electromagnetics (CEM) in the time domain is the most general numerical approach for describing dynamic or wide-band frequency electromagnetic phenomena. Computational simulations are derived from discretized approximations to the time-dependent Maxwell equations [1-10]. High numerical efficiency of CEM simulation procedures can be attained either by algorithmic improvements to solve the Maxwell equations or by using scalable parallel distributed memory computer systems. Since the massive volume of data processing are involved in solving the Maxwell equations, distributed memory computer systems are viable means to solve the memory shortage problem on workstations or vector computer systems. The other advantage is reduced time when parallel processing is employed to solve the Maxwell equations. Hence, parallelization of existing sequential Fortran code for solving Maxwell equations is an important effort towards developing efficient and accurate CEM code in analyzing refraction and diffraction phenomena for aircraft signature technology.
Kernels which represent the important algorithms used in the PAM-CRASH crashworthiness simulation code. Two sets of kernels in MPF-1, MPFt, and MPI versions.
3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of plasma loops. We solve the 8 non-linear Partial Differential Equations describing magnetized fluid dynamics in a cylinder.
A N-body+hydrodynamics code that includes many classic parallelisation problems. The long-range component of the gravitational force is solved using a 3-dimensional FFT and then the short range component and smoothed particle hydrodynamics gas forces are solved by a neighbour finding direct summation algorithm. Also included is a recursive, spatially adaptive grid refinement mechanism which solves the problems encountered in regions where the particles cluster heavily.
A 3D Scalar Wave Propagation Modeler / Reverse Time Migration code. The code solves the scalar wave propagation in isotropic media by 4th order 5-step leap-frog scheme for tikme integration and by calculating the laplacian either by compact finite differences (implicit scheme) or by a spectral scheme in space. The same code running backward in time and feeded by the seismic stack as surface boundary condition acts as a full two-way migration and permits imaging of steep dip structures or even turning waves. The Hamiltonian scheme adopted gives control to the energy flow and therefore very effective absorbing boundary conditions have been implemented.
Suite of HPF routines that correlates 3D attributes generated from depth seismic data with
borehole rock and fluid properties via neural networks, which compete to generate the best
predictor of hydrocarbon distribution for the reservoir after passing a bootstrap validation (or
cross-validation) process. The predictions are used to select drilling targets, quantify oil reserves
and provide detailed stratigraphic models for reservoir simulation.
We used a Cray T3D computer to parallelize the Conjugate Gradient Method, the aim of this work was to use the advantages of the CRAFT model and the T3D architechture to get an efficient code when working with large amount of data.
Field --- Fluid dynamics : 2d turbulence simulation. The PPADD (Parallel Predictive-Adaptive Domain Decomposition) project is a large-scale application that naturally requires a distributed implementation on heterogeneous parallel machines. The general application field is solving PDEs through adaptive domain decomposition method. A Solver is coupled through Java with a domain decomposition tool and some utilities. The HPF code implements the solver.
A Post-stack 3D Seismic Depth Migration Code for imaging of inhomogeneous subsurface with a spectral approach. The depth extrapolation of the seismic stack is
achieved by a phase shift for a set of reference, constant velocities, choosen by an information-theoretical criterion, then an interpolation is performed. The
availability of efficient, concurrent FFT library routines is critical.
The application uses Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) to simulate compressible flows. SPH is a Lagrangian particle method that is widely used in astrophysics. It is algorithmically (but not physically!) very similar to Molecular Dynamics (aka MD).