The high performance Fortran (HPF) benchmark suite HPFBench is designed for evaluating the HPF language and compilers on scalable architectures. The functionality of the benchmarks covers scientific software library functions and application kernels that reflect the computational structure and communication patterns in fluid dynamic simulations, fundamental physics, and molecular studies in chemistry and biology. The benchmarks are characterized in terms of FLOP count, memory usage, communication pattern, local memory accesses, array allocation mechanism, as well as operation and communication counts per iteration. The benchmarks output performance evaluation metrics in the form of elapsed times, FLOP rates, and communication time breakdowns. We also provide a benchmark guide to aid the choice of subsets of the benchmarks for evaluating particular aspects of an HPF compiler. Furthermore, we report an evaluation of an industry-leading HPF compiler from the Portland Group Inc. using the HPFBench benchmarks on the distributed-memory IBM SP2.