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An important goal of HPF is to achieve code portability across a variety of parallel machines. This requires not only that HPF programs compile on all target machines, but also that a highly-efficient HPF program on one parallel machine be able to achieve reasonably high efficiency on another parallel machine with a comparable number of processors. Otherwise, the effort spent by a programmer to achieve high performance on one machine would be wasted when the HPF code is ported to another machine. Although SIMD processor arrays, MIMD shared-memory machines, and MIMD distributed-memory machines use very different low-level primitives, there is broad similarity with respect to the fundamental factors that affect the performance of parallel programs on these machines. Thus, achieving high efficiency across different parallel machines with the same high level HPF program is a feasible goal. While describing a full execution model is beyond the scope of this language specification, we focus here on two fundamental factors and show how HPF relates to them:
The parallelism in a computation can be expressed in HPF by the following constructs:
These features allow a user to specify explicitly potential data parallelism in a machine-independent fashion. The purpose of this section is to clarify some of the performance implications of these features, particularly when they are combined with the HPF data distribution features. In addition, EXTRINSIC procedures provide an escape mechanism in HPF to allow the use of efficient machine-specific primitives by using another programming paradigm. Because the resulting model of computation is inherently outside the realm of data-parallel programming, we will not discuss this feature further in this section.
A compiler may choose not to exploit information about parallelism, for example because of lack of resources or excessive overhead. In addition, some compilers may detect parallelism in sequential code by use of dependence analysis. This document does not discuss such techniques.
The interprocessor or inter-memory data communication that occurs
during the execution of an HPF program is partially determined by the
HPF data distribution directives in Section . The
compiler will determine the actual mapping of data objects to the
physical machine and will be guided in this by the directives. The
actual mapping and the computation specified by the program determine
the needed actual communication, and the compiler will generate the
code required to perform it. In general, if two data references in an
expression or assignment are mapped to different processors or memory
regions then communication is required to bring them together. The
following examples illustrate how this may occur.
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