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SUBROUTINE MILLARD_FILLMORE(N,M) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: A, B !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE A(BLOCK(M*2)) N = 43 M = 91 ALLOCATE(A(27)) ALLOCATE(B(13)) ...The values of the expressions N and M*2 on entry to the subprogram are conceptually retained by the ALIGN and DISTRIBUTE directives for later use at allocation time. When the array A is allocated, it is distributed with a block size equal to the retained value of M*2, not the value 182. When the array B is allocated, it is aligned relative to A according to the retained value of N, not its new value 43.
Note that it would have been incorrect in the MILLARD_FILLMORE example to perform the two ALLOCATE statements in the opposite order. In general, when an object X is created it may be aligned to another object Y only if Y has already been created or allocated. The following example illustrates several related cases.
SUBROUTINE WARREN_HARDING(P,Q) REAL P(:) REAL Q(:) REAL R(SIZE(Q)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: S(:),T(:) !HPF$ ALIGN Q(I) WITH *T(I) !Nonconforming !HPF$ ALIGN S(I) WITH T(I) ALLOCATE(S(SIZE(Q))) !Nonconforming ALLOCATE(T(SIZE(Q)))The ALIGN directives are not HPF-conforming because the array T has not yet been allocated at the time that the various alignments must take place. The four cases differ slightly in their details. The arrays P and Q already exist on entry to the subroutine, but because T is not yet allocated, one cannot correctly prescribe the alignment of P or describe the alignment of Q relative to T. (See Section
If an ALLOCATE statement is immediately followed by REDISTRIBUTE and/or REALIGN directives, the meaning in principle is that the array is first created with the statically declared alignment, then immediately remapped. In practice there is an obvious optimization: create the array in the processors to which it is about to be remapped, in a single step. HPF implementors are strongly encouraged to implement this optimization and HPF programmers are encouraged to rely upon it. Here is an example:
REAL,ALLOCATABLE(:,:) :: TINKER, EVERS !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE(BLOCK),DYNAMIC :: CHANCE ... READ 6,M,N ALLOCATE(TINKER(N*M,N*M)) !HPF$ REALIGN EVERS(:,:) WITH TINKER(M::M,1::M) ALLOCATE(CHANCE(10000)) !HPF$ REDISTRIBUTE CHANCE(CYCLIC)While CHANCE is by default always allocated with a BLOCK distribution, it should be possible for a compiler to notice that it will immediately be remapped to a CYCLIC distribution. Similar remarks apply to TINKER and EVERS. (Note that EVERS is mapped in a thinly-spread-out manner onto TINKER; adjacent elements of EVERS are mapped to elements of TINKER separated by a stride M. This thinly-spread-out mapping is put in the lower left corner of TINKER, because EVERS(1,1) is mapped to TINKER(M,1).)
An array pointer may be used in REALIGN and REDISTRIBUTE as an alignee, align-target, or distributee if and only if it is currently associated with a whole array, not an array section. One may remap an object by using a pointer as an alignee or distributee only if the object was created by ALLOCATE but is not an ALLOCATABLE array.
Any directive that remaps an object constitutes an assertion on the part of the programmer that the remainder of program execution would be unaffected if all pointers associated with any portion of the object were instantly to acquire undefined pointer association status, except for the one pointer, if any, used to indicate the object in the remapping directive.
When an array is allocated, it will be aligned to an existing template if there is an explicit ALIGN directive for the allocatable variable. If there is no explicit ALIGN directive, then the array will be ultimately aligned with itself. It is forbidden for any other object to be ultimately aligned to an array at the time the array becomes undefined by reason of deallocation. All this applies regardless of whether the name originally used in the ALLOCATE statement when the array was created had the ALLOCATABLE attribute or the POINTER attribute.
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