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The INHERIT directive specifies that a dummy argument should be
aligned to a copy of the template of the corresponding actual argument
in the same way that the actual argument is aligned.
inherit-directive -to -rule
to is INHERIT dummy-argument-name-list
The INHERIT directive causes the named subprogram dummy arguments
to have the INHERIT attribute. Only dummy arguments may have the
INHERIT attribute. An object must not have both the INHERIT
attribute and the ALIGN attribute. The INHERIT directive
may appear only in a specification-part of a scoping unit.

The INHERIT attribute specifies that the template for a dummy
argument should be inherited, by making a copy of the template of the
actual argument. Moreover, the INHERIT attribute implies a
default distribution of DISTRIBUTE * ONTO *.

See Section
for further exposition. If an explicit mapping
directive appears for the dummy argument, thereby overriding the
default distribution, then the actual argument must be a whole array or
a regular array section; it may not be an expression of any other form.
If none of the attributes INHERIT, ALIGN, and DISTRIBUTE
is specified
explicitly for a dummy argument, then the template of the dummy
argument has the same shape as the dummy itself and the dummy argument
is aligned to its template by the identity mapping.
An INHERIT directive may be combined with other directives, with
the attributes stated in any order, more or less consistent with
Fortran 90 attribute syntax.
Consider the following example:
The inherited template of BREAD has shape [100]; element BREAD(I)
is aligned with element 5 + 2*I of the inherited template and, since BREAD does not
appear in a prescriptive DISTRIBUTE directive, it has a BLOCK(10) distribution.
Thu Dec 8 16:17:11 CST 1994