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Definition and Invocation Up: Extrinsic Procedures Previous: Extrinsic Procedures


It may be desirable for an HPF program to call a procedure written in a language other than HPF. Such a procedure might be written in any of a number of languages:

A local procedure might be written in Fortran 77, Fortran 90, C, Ada, or Pascal, for example. A particularly interesting possibility is that a local procedure might be written in HPF! Not all HPF facilities may be used in writing local code, because some facilities address the question of executing on multiple processors and local code by definition runs on a single processor. See Annex .

A called procedure that is written in a language other than HPF, whether or not it uses the local procedure execution model should be declared EXTRINSIC within an HPF program that calls it. The EXTRINSIC prefix declares what sort of interface should be used when calling indicated subprograms.

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Thu Dec 8 16:17:11 CST 1994