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If a dummy argument in the HPF explicit extrinsic interface is an array, then the corresponding dummy argument in the specification of the local procedure must be an array of the same rank, type, and type parameters. When the extrinsic procedure is invoked, the local dummy argument is associated with the local array that consists of the subgrid of the global array that is stored locally. This local array will be a valid Fortran 90 array.
If a dummy argument in the HPF explicit extrinsic interface is a scalar then the corresponding dummy argument of the local procedure must be a scalar of the same type. When the extrinsic procedure is invoked then the local procedure is passed an argument that consists of the local copy of the replicated scalar. This copy will be a valid Fortran 90 scalar.
If an HPF explicit extrinsic interface defines a function, then the local procedure should be a Fortran 90 function that returns a scalar of the same type and type parameters, or an array of the same rank, type, and type parameters, as the HPF extrinsic function. The value returned by each local invocation is the local part of the value returned by the HPF invocation.
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