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There are restrictions that apply to an HPF_SERIAL subprogram.
No specification-directive, realign-directive, or redistribute-directive is permitted to be appear in an HPF_SERIAL subprogram or interface body.
Any dummy data objects and any function result variables of an HPF_SERIAL procedure will be considered to be sequential.
An HPF_SERIAL subprogram must not contain a definition of a common block that has the same name as a common block defined in an HPF or HPF_LOCAL program unit. In addition, an HPF_SERIAL subprogram must not contain a definition of the blank common block if an HPF or HPF_LOCAL program unit has a definition of the blank common block.
A dummy argument or function result variable of an HPF_SERIAL procedure that is referenced in global HPF must not have the POINTER attribute. A subobject of a dummy argument or function result of an HPF_SERIAL procedure that is referenced in global HPF, must not have the POINTER attribute.
A dummy argument of an HPF_SERIAL procedure that is referenced in global HPF and any subobject of such a dummy argument must not have the TARGET attribute.
A dummy procedure argument of an HPF_SERIAL procedure must be an HPF_SERIAL procedure.
An HPF_SERIAL procedure referenced in global HPF must have an accessible explicit interface.
An HPF_SERIAL subprogram must not contain a reference to a procedure that has extrinsic-kind HPF or HPF_LOCAL.
A reference to an HPF_SERIAL procedure must not appear in an HPF_LOCAL unit.
There is currently no manner in which to specify which processor is to execute an HPF_SERIAL procedure.
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