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Optional Arguments. DIM, MASK
Description. Computes a bitwise logical AND reduction along
dimension DIM of ARRAY.
Class. Transformational function.
ARRAY must be of type integer. It must not be scalar.
DIM (optional) must be scalar and of type integer with a value in
the range ,
is the rank of ARRAY.
The corresponding actual argument must not be
an optional dummy argument.
MASK (optional) must be of type logical and must be conformable
with ARRAY.
Result Type, Type Parameter, and Shape. The result is of type integer with the same
kind type parameter as ARRAY.
It is scalar if DIM is absent or if ARRAY has rank one;
otherwise, the result is an array of rank and shape
is the shape of ARRAY.
Result Value.
(i): The result of IALL(ARRAY) is the IAND reduction
of all the elements of
ARRAY. If ARRAY has size zero, the result
is equal to a implementation-dependent integer value
with the property that IAND(I, x) = I for all integers
I of the same kind type parameter as ARRAY.
See Section
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