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Optional argument. DIM
Description. Returns all the upper bounds or a specified upper
bound of the actual HPF global array argument associated
with an HPF_LOCAL dummy array argument.
Class. Inquiry function.
ARRAY may be of any type. It must not be a scalar. It must be a dummy array argument of an HPF_LOCAL procedure which is argument associated with a global HPF array actual argument.
DIM (optional) must be scalar and of type integer with a
value in the range ,
is the rank of ARRAY. The
corresponding actual argument must not be an
optional dummy argument.
Result Type, Type Parameter and Shape. The result is of type default
integer. It is scalar if DIM is present;
otherwise the result is an array of rank one
and size , where
is the rank of
Result Value.
(i): If the actual argument associated with the actual argument associated with ARRAY is an array section or an array expression, other than a whole array or an array structure component, GLOBAL_UBOUND(ARRAY, DIM) has a value equal to the number of elements in the given dimension; otherwise it has a value equal to the upper bound for subscript DIM of the actual argument associated with the actual argument associated with ARRAY, if dimension DIM does not have size zero and has the value zero if dimension DIM has size zero.
(ii): GLOBAL_UBOUND(ARRAY) has a value whose th
component is equal to GLOBAL_UBOUND(ARRAY,
is the rank of
Examples. Assuming A is declared by the statement
INTEGER A(3:100, 200)
and is argument associated with B, the value of
GLOBAL_UBOUND(B) is ,100 200,, plus 1filll
-1;100 200,; plus 1filll
-1:100 200,: plus 1filll
-1.100 200,. plus 1filll
-1100 200, plus 1filll-1.
If B is argument associated with the section,
A(5:10, 7:10), the value of
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