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Executive Summary
SofTech and Motorola now have formally announced a joint HPF effort. They have been added to the formal implementation list.
Numerous CCI issues were considered, wrapping up the round of considerations for this year.
Jerry Wagener made a report about the status of F95 and what the timing would be for release as an international standard if all reviews and votes are positive. The current version of the draft is available via ftp.
An HPF_SERIAL extrinsic interface was added to the appendix to allow programmers to indicate that a given routine should execute on only one processor, and that distributed data in the arguments should be reassembled prior to the call.
A collection of codes to provide to requirements for HPF2 is being assembled for FTP at hpsl.cs.umd.edu: pub/hpf_bench.
It was decided that the group of "requirements" gathered for HPF2 would be termed the "Scope of Activity". These issues grouped into topical areas will form the subgroups for HPF2 activity. A document containing these, along with a proposal that there be an HPF_kernel, and the benchmark appendix will be created as the primary report from the HPFF94 meetings.
Future meetings: An HPFF BOF is planned for SC94, and an HPFF Implementors Meeting scheduled for January 30, 31, 1995 in Houston. Schedule for HPF2 meetings will be determined at that time.
(end of executive summary)
10.9 Each local gets its own local block A(1,local-block).
All recommendations above were accepted without challenge.
3.2 Read-only use of distributed data in PURE routines. This is the same issue as 10.10.
Vote on proposal 6.10 - 27 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain
9.1 Leave static mapping of allocatable arrays as it is.
9.2 If a template is in a module, there is no way to access it's name if the USE / ONLY feature of Fortran 90 is used.
9.3 No mapping of assumed-size dummy arguments was discussed, but the issue was unresolved.
9.4 Why can sequential scalars be mapped? No change.
9.5 Mapping sequential assumed-size arrays: no change.
9.6 Duplicate sequence/nosequence directive: add a constraint against this in scoping unit.
9.7 Some syntactic restrictions are missing for object-name distributees.
Page 26 line 38 strike everything from "in" to the end.
... define alignee and distributee more carefully (GLS)
page 31 24-25 strike "in" to the end.
page 31 another constraint ---- 1st constraint from page 26 needs to be here
9.8 Typos identified.
9.9 Withdrawn.
10.8 Is a pointer still associated if the target is remapped across a subroutine call. We need to explicitly include this case so that the pointers don't become undefined. Guy will discuss this one later.
7.11 Postponed until later.
7.1 Drop constraint about array-valued function results and add in function name to syntax. Second reading 25 - 0 - 2.
7.3 Circular definitions: Second reading of addition text: "and there may be no subsequent static mapping directive affecting the mapping of the array". 25 - 0 - 2
A final vote was taken to approve editorial changes from both CCI1 and CCI2 reports: 27 - 0 - 0.
Ken announced changes in the implementation status list. SofTech and Motorola now have formally announced efforts. The current list now is:
Survey of Vendor HPF Implementation Status Oct. 94 Announced Products Applied Parallel Research, Digital, Intel, KAI, Meiko, Portland Group Formally Announced Efforts ACE, Archipel, Convex, Cray Computer, Fujitsu, Hitachi, IBM, Lahey, Maspar, Motorola, NAG, NA Software, nCUBE, NEC, Pacific Sierra Research, SofTech, Thinking Machines Interested ACSET, CRI, HP, SGI, SunSince it has been some time since we had contact with ACE, Archipel, (Lahey), MasPar, and nCUBE Chuck Koelbel agreed to check with these organizations to make sure that they still have active efforts.
At this time, some of the postponed CCI issues were addressed further:
7.3 Still don't know exactly where this should go.
Jerry Wagener gave a report on the status of F95. The working process is that WG5 sets Fxx requirements and X3J3 implements the requirements in the form of a draft standard. The draft is processed as international standard. Individual countries accept it if they want to. The F95 requirements were finalized in Aug. and there were no new ones.
Initial F2000 requirements have the following emphasis: level 1 - high performance ... level 2 object oriented (task force created) interpretoperability (task force created) level 3 - other stuffNext X3J3 will meet in November. Issues are to resolve status of ENABLE and clean up integration in 007R3 including FORALL PURE elemental procedures. The goal is to produce 007R4 in Dec. 94.
X3J3 will meet again in Jan. 95 (Houston) to complete integration. They
expect to produce draft 95-00 in March 95. Following that the schedule (if
all steps are approved) would be: WG5 meeting, April 95 (Tokyo) to accept
forwarded 007 as an ISO CD (committee draft).
Country ballots will be during June-August, with a probably US public
review in June-July. X3J3 would meet ~Aug. to determine the US vote on
the CD. WG5 meeting ~Oct or Nov somewhere in US to
prepare JTC1 ballot. The language can then become an international
standard, if comments are positive - but may also require iteration
rereviews etc.
The draft 94-007r3 document is available from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu or ftp.dfrf.nasa.gov in several formats.
After lunch, we resumed discussion of CCI issues postponed earlier.
then the program is not HPF-conforming unless
(Part 2) If a dummy argument has the TARGET attribute and no explicit mapping attributes, then INHERIT is assumed - thus falling under case (a) of rule 1. This was accepted 24-0-2 (An a comical aside, the comment was made that this fell into the "trust Guy" category. Guy said he would feel better if it were "trust Guy and Rob", but then Rob said it would have to be "trust Rob trusting Guy." We hope we have this right. :-)
Extrinsic kind keywords whose names begin with "HPF" are reserved for present or future definition by this specification. At present only the keywords HPF and HPF_LOCAL have defined meaning. A program unit whose extrinsic kind keyword begins with "HPF" is said to be "of an HPF extrinsic kind".
Within any module of an HPF extrinsic kind, every module-subprogram must be of that same extrinsic kind and any module-subprogram whose extrinsic kind is not given explicitly is assumed to be of that extrinsic kind. Similarly, within any main-program or external-subprogram of an HPF extrinsic kind, every internal-subprogram must be of that same extrinsic kind and any internal- subprogram whose extrinsic kind is not given explicitly is assumed to be of that extrinsic kind.
A function-stmt or subroutine-stmt that appears within an interface-block within a program unit of an HPF extrinsic kind may have an extrinsic prefix mentioning any extrinsic kind supported by the language processor; but if no extrinsic-prefix appears in such a function-stmt or subroutine-stmt, then it is assumed to be of the same HPF extrinsic kind as the program unit.
If a module of one HPF extrinsic kind is used from a program unit of another HPF extrinsic kind, then the effect must be that only names of procedures, procedure interfaces, and type definitions in the module are made accessible to the using program unit; names of data objects may not be used. Any data defined by the module must be private, or else the USE statement must have an ONLY option that specifies only name of procedures, procedure interfaces, and type definitions.
[Note, however, that the existing prohibition on calling a global HPF routine from an HPF_LOCAL routine remains as a separate restriction. See section A.2.1, second paragraph.]
A named COMMON block in any program unit of an HPF kind will be associated with the COMMON block, if any, of that same name in every other program unit of that same extrinsic kind; similarly for unnamed COMMON. But a COMMON block in a program unit of one HPF kind is distinct from and not associated with any COMMON block in a program unit of any other HPF kind. (Implementors are advised to follow a similar rule for all extrinsic kind keywords, not just those starting with "HPF_".)
Another problem identified: if you want to give distribution directives for the local, they are HPF-global directives, but we can't give these in a local module.
Text changes were proposed: in paragraph 4 last two words ... change as the program unit, to as the host scoping unit.
In paragraph 7, be sure that there is still just a single name space --- can't have a common for hpf-global with the same name as a common for hpf- local.---- there are possible ways to do this, but we are not going to go to extra lengths for a feature like common.
There was a vote about accepting these - realizing that we have identified a few more issues to resolve about how to describe an hpf-local in hpf-global terms and how to describe hpf-local function return values. Remainder of specification approved: 24 - 0 -5
With the video camera gone, the group now registered dissent. The motion failed 5-14-10.
The first issue discussed was whether the ynh extrinsic kind could be called from an HPF_LOCAL. David Loveman gave the example of calling the TIME routine from locals. Saday made an amendment to specify that HPF_ynh CANNOT be called from within HPF_LOCAL. This passed 11-8-10.
David made an amendment that HPF_ynh could call HPF_GLOBAL. The motivation being that codes might initialize with a "ynh" extrinsic and then branch out to the parallel code. This failed 5 - 8 - 14.
There was the question about whether pointers / targets can be dummies arguments to HPF-ynh. This was left to reconsider overnight . The procedure was to vote with the restriction and later entertain a proposal to remove the restriction if appropriate.
The following matrix summarizes the allowed calls.
callee glb local ynh caller glb x x x local x ynh xThe proposal was modified to include a call to get the global number of processors. This proposed extrinsic would go in appendix a. The vote on the proposal - without knowing the name: 18-2-7.
Many possible names were suggested for "ynh". A preference vote where each person was allowed a first/second/third choice narrowed the list to (uniprocess/uni/unilocal), serial, or lpf. Another preference vote narrowed the choice to "uni*" vs serial. And a strawpoll between these favored serial 17-13. An institutional vote on the same choice again favored serial 15-11. If was observed that lpf made a good try to be a serial killer.
So, in summary, the new extrinsic interface name is HPF_SERIAL.
I/O benchmarks were discussed briefly. The scalable I/O consortium should have some codes. Ohio has an out-of-core FFT code.
Joel Saltz proposed the benchmark report be incorporated with the HPF2 requirements document.
There was an extended discussion about what this list means. It is a long list including items with strong agreement along with items of strong controversy. In what sense is it binding instruction to HPF2? The items will be grouped by the topics in Ian's document. We can't in this one meeting make a decision that anything is "out".
Ken proposed that we get a document that categorizes items into groups that give us a feel of the subareas where we will have working HPF2 subgroups. We can group these, and perhaps even prioritize --- but not constrain HPF2. Ian and Rob will merge.
The group broke for the evening.
Friday Oct. 14, 1994 Meetings started at 8:30.
The first topic was organization of the SC94 HPF BOF (Birds of a Feather).
There will be reports ~15 min each: - Ken will go over the survey status. He would like detailed information on announced products and references to other conference demos, activities, etc. - Ian & Rob will go over the requirements document. - Paul will go over the benchmarks.
The purpose of this BOF is to update people on what we've done in HPFF94. We will assume basic familiarity with HPF 1, but not at the Furtney test level. The January HPF Meeting will be announced at the BOF. We will need a one-page announcement for the BOF, possibility with the list of activities/demos on the back.
We will try to have ~40 copies of the 1.1 document, and lots of pages with instructions of how to get a copy. Also ~150 copies of the requirements document. Plan for ~2000 copies of the one-page announcement - these can also be handed out at the CRPC exhibit. Paul volunteered to get copies made.
Given the example:
Subroutine foo(a,b) real a(:), B(:) !hpf$ align b(j,j) with A(j)
function foo(n) result(r) real r(2,10)There are 3 different possible ways that this could be recomposed on the global with 4 processors: as a 2,40 , as a 8,10 or as a 4,20 and the distribution of the result variable will tell us.
So the basic proposal is that the HPF_LOCAL would have the a set of global mapping directives. The other option is to disallow the inter-module kind inclusion completely.
Shapiro moved that A module of one extrinsic kind cannot be used in a module of another extrinsic kind. This was amended to specifically exclude the case the case of global using local so that an hpf-extrinsic-kind can only include same kind extrinsic modules and hpf_global can use hpf_serial.
There was a discussion about what kinds of things might be used between extrinsic. The following "unilocal" diagram was discussed where D stands for data, P for procedures, and T for types.
callee global local serial caller global DTP T P TP local T DTP T serial T T DTPThe amendment was restated: can only use hpf-kind modules within hpf- kind modules of same type. This failed. 7-14-8.
Now Guy "moved" the diagram above AND that HPF directives can be used in HPF_LOCAL code for the dummy arguments and the results.
Piyush M moved that it applies the same for serial: that directives can be used in serial too. There was no second for this.
SO NOW formally the motion is that 6.16 from yesterday is amended to drop "as an interface block" and add that global directives in local code for dummy arguments and function results. This passed: 19 - 1 - 9.
There was a break from 10 to 10:15.
After break, Andy Meltzer led a discussion of a proposal for kernel HPF. He proposed that we take the kernel HPF requirements and add them to HPF2 requirements - i.e. that there be an HPF_Kernel extrinsics . The goal is a proper subset allowing for high-performance on many architectures:
To get greatest benefit it may be necessary to tell compiler that it is compiling kernel code, e.g. and hpf_kernel extrinsic or a command line switch.
Rich Shapiro moved that we add this kernel requirement and part of a document introduction at least, maybe more, to the HPF2 requirements doc. The straw poll on this was :28 - 0 - 1.
The group was uncomfortable calling this a "requirements" document because of the breadth of suggestions and lack of agreement about what really required. It was decided to call this a "scope of activities" document - thinking of it more as a call for participation. Our requirements are that we get some coverage for the benchmarks. The scope of activities is to consider these general language areas plus the hpf kernel. It was decided to add section about language processor environment. Jim Cowie will do this. Topics for this section are interacting with tools and interoperability.
The hope is that the document will be concise, an introduction, justifications kernel, and benchmarks in the appendix. This general approach was approved 31-0-0.
Attending the October HPFF Meeting: Robert Babb U. of Denver babb@cs.du.edu Scott Baden UCSD baden@cs.ucsd.edu Ralph Brickner LANL rgb@lanl.gov Alok Choudhary Syracuse U. choudhar@cat.syr.edu Jim Cowie Cooperating Systems cowie-james@cs.yale.edu Ian Foster Argonne Lab. foster@mcs.anl.gov Paul Havlak U. Maryland havlak@cs.umd.edu Chua-Huang Huang Ohio State U. chh@cis.ohio-state.edu Andrew Johnson OSF RI andyj@osf.org Ken Kennedy Rice U./CRPC ken@rice.edu Chuck Koelbel Rice U. chk@cs.rice.edu David Loveman Digital Equip. loveman@hpcgrp.enet.dec.com Piyush Mehrotra ICASE pm@icase.edu Andy Meltzer Cray Research meltzer@cray.com Doug Miles PGI miles@pgroup.com Nicole Nemer-Preece U. of Missouri-Rolla nnemer@cs.umr.edu E. Nunohiro HITACHI nunohiro@hisoft.soft.hitachi.co.jp Bruce Olsen Hewlett Packard bruce@apollo.hp.com Terry Pratt CESDIS/NASA Goddard pratt@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov J. Ramanujam Lousiana St U jxr@max.ee.lsu.edu P. Sadayappan Ohio State U saday@cis.ohio-state.edu Joel Saltz U. of Maryland saltz@cs.umd.edu Rob Schreiber RIACS schreiber@riacs.edu Yoshiki Seo NEC yoshiki@cs.rice.edu Richard Shapiro Silicon Graphics rshapiro@boston.sgi.com Guy Steele Sun Microsystems Guy.Steele@east.sun.com Roy Touzeau Intel SSD rft@ssd.intel.com Jeff Vanderlip Pacific-Sierra Research jeff@psrv.com Paula Vaughan Miss. St. / NSF ERC paula@erc.msstate.edu Jerry Wagener Amoco jwagener@amoco.com Henry Zongaro IBM Canada zongaro@vnet.ibm.com Mary Zosel LLNL zosel@llnl.gov
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