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Description. Returns the shape of the implementation-dependent
processor array.
Class. System inquiry
Arguments. None
Result Type, Type Parameter, and Shape. The result is a default
integer array of rank one whose size is equal to the rank of the
implementation-dependent processor array.
Result Value. The value of the result is the shape of the
implementation-dependent processor array.
Example. In a computer with 2048 processors arranged in a
hypercube, the value of PROCESSORS_SHAPE() is
[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]. In a computer with 8192 processors arranged
in a 128 by 64 rectangular grid, the value of
PROCESSORS_SHAPE() is [128,64]. For a single processor
workstation, the value of PROCESSORS_SHAPE() is [] (the
size-zero array of rank one).
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