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The High Performance Fortran Forum (HPFF) is a coalition of industrial and academic groups working to suggest a set of standard extensions to Fortran that provide support for high performance programming on a wide variety of machines, including massively parallel SIMD and MIMD systems and vector processors. From its beginning, HPFF has included most vendors delivering parallel machines, a number of government laboratories, and university research groups. Public input has been encouraged. This document defining HPF 2.0 is the third in a series of documents resulting from the HPFF. HPF 2.0 is intended to be a language portable from workstations to massively parallel supercomputers while being able to express the algorithms needed to achieve high performance on specific architectures. HPF 2.0 builds on the efforts of the previous HPFF meetings, primarily in 1992 and 1994. Specific acknowledgments for the many people who contributed to the previous versions of HPF are included in Annex D.

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