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This document uses the same notation as the Fortran 95 standard. In particular, the same conventions are used for syntax rules. BNF descriptions of language features are given in the style used in the Fortran standard. To distinguish HPF syntax rules from Fortran rules, each HPF rule has an identifying number of the form H, where corresponds to the section number and is a two-digit sequence number. Nonterminals not defined in this document are defined in the Fortran standard. Also note that certain technical terms such as ``storage unit'' are defined by the Fortran standard.

As previously noted in Section 1, a reference of the form F95:2.4.7 in the text refers to Section 2.4.7 of the Fortran 95 standard.

Part iii describes the approved extensions. In some cases this requires extending the syntax rules already introduced in an earlier section. In particular, the syntax rules here are often supersets of similar syntax rules in Part ii; in these cases, the names of the nonterminals include the suffix -extended. Thus, when a non-terminal such as name is redefined it is referred to as name-extended under the proviso that any reference to name is to be replaced by name-extended in the rest of the syntax rules.

When a constraint or restriction in Part ii is modified by an approved extension, this fact is noted, in the text, and a

forward reference is provided. A downward-pointing double arrow is used in the margin (as here) to highlight such a forward reference.

Each such modification (in Part iii) contains a backward reference to the original language in Part ii that is

modified. An upward-pointing double arrow is used in the margin (as here) to highlight such a backward reference.

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