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Syntax of Directives

H201 hpf-directive-line is directive-origin hpf-directive
H202 directive-origin is !HPF$
or CHPF$
or *HPF$
H203 hpf-directive is specification-directive
or executable-directive
H204 specification-directive is processors-directive
or align-directive
or distribute-directive
or inherit-directive
or template-directive
or combined-directive
or sequence-directive
H201 executable-directive is independent-directive
H206 specification-directive-extended is processors-directive
or subset-directive
or align-directive
or distribute-directive
or inherit-directive
or template-directive
or combined-directive
or sequence-directive
or dynamic-directive
or range-directive
or shadow-directive
H207 executable-directive-extended is independent-directive
or realign-directive
or redistribute-directive
or on-directive
or resident-directive
H208 executable-construct-extended is action-stmt
or case-construct
or do-construct
or if-construct
or where-construct
or on-construct
or resident-construct
or task-region-construct

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