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The ALIGN Directive

H313 align-directive is ALIGN alignee align-directive-stuff
H314 align-directive-stuff is ( align-source-list ) align-with-clause
H315 align-attribute-stuff is [ ( align-source-list ) ] align-with-clause
H316 alignee is object-name
H317 align-source is :
or *
or align-dummy
H318 align-dummy is scalar-int-variable
H319 align-with-clause is WITH align-spec
H320 align-spec is align-target [ ( align-subscript-list ) ]
or * align-target [ ( align-subscript-list ) ]
H321 align-target is object-name
or template-name
H322 align-subscript is int-expr
or align-subscript-use
or subscript-triplet
or *
H323 align-subscript-use is [ [ int-level-two-expr ] add-op ]
or align-subscript-use add-op int-add-operand
H324 align-add-operand is [ int-add-operand * ] align-primary
or align-add-operand * int-mult-operand
H325 align-primary is align-dummy
or ( align-subscript-use )
H326 int-add-operand is add-operand
H327 int-mult-operand is mult-operand
H328 int-level-two-expr is level-2-expr

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