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H501 independent-directive is INDEPENDENT [ , new-clause ]
[ , reduction-clause ]
H502 new-clause is NEW ( variable-name-list )
H503 reduction-clause is REDUCTION ( reduction-variable-list )
H504 reduction-variable is array-variable-name
or scalar-variable-name
or structure-component
H505 reduction-stmt is variable = variable mult-op mult-operand
or variable = add-operand * variable
or variable = variable add-op add-operand
or variable = level-2-expr + variable
or variable = variable and-op and-operand
or variable = and-operand and-op variable
or variable = variable or-op or-operand
or variable = or-operand or-op variable
or variable = variable equiv-op equiv-operand
or variable = equiv-operand equiv-op variable
or variable = reduction-function ( variable , expr )
or variable = reduction-function ( expr , variable )
H506 reduction-function is MAX
or MIN
or IOR

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