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The features of the HPF 1.1 subset languages are listed below. For reference, the section numbers from the Fortran 90 standard are given along with the related syntax rule numbers:
The list of intrinsic functions and subroutines below is a combination of (a) routines which are entirely new to Fortran and (b) routines that have always been part of Fortran, but have been extended here to new argument and result types. The new or extended definitions of these routines are part of the subset. If a FORTRAN 77 routine is not included in this list, then only the original FORTRAN 77 definition is part of the subset.
For all of the intrinsics that have an optional argument DIM, only actual argument expressions for DIM that are initialization expressions are part of the subset. The intrinsics with this constraint are marked with in the list below.
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