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HPFF Acknowledgments


Technical development for HPF 1.0 was carried out by subgroups, and was reviewed by the full committee. Many people served in positions of responsibility:

Geoffrey Fox convened the first HPFF meeting with Ken Kennedy and later led a group to develop benchmarks for HPF. Clemens-August Thole organized a group in Europe and was instrumental in making this an international effort. Charles Koelbel produced detailed meeting minutes that were invaluable to subgroup heads in preparing successive revisions to the draft proposal. Guy Steele developed LaTeX macros for a variety of tasks, including formatting BNF grammar, Fortran code and pseudocode, and commentary material; the document would have been much less aesthetically pleasing without his efforts.

Many companies, universities, and other entities supported their employees' attendance at the HPFF meetings, both directly and indirectly. The following organizations were represented at two or more meetings by the following individuals (not including those present at the first HPFF meeting in January of 1992, for which there is no accurate attendee list):
Alliant Computer Systems Corporation David Reese
Amoco Production Company Jerrold Wagener, Rex Page
Applied Parallel Research John Levesque, Rony Sawdayi, Gene Wagenbreth
Archipel Jean-Laurent Philippe
CONVEX Computer Corporation Joel Williamson
Cornell Theory Center David Presberg
Cray Research, Inc. Tom MacDonald, Andy Meltzer
Digital Equipment Corporation David Loveman
Fujitsu America Siamak Hassanzadeh, Ken Muira
Fujitsu Laboratories Hidetoshi Iwashita
GMD-I1.T, Sankt Augustin Clemens-August Thole
Hewlett Packard Maureen Hoffert, Tin-Fook Ngai, Richard Schooler
IBM Alan Adamson, Randy Scarborough, Marc Snir, Kate Stewart
Institute for Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Piyush Mehrotra
Intel Supercomputer Systems Division Bob Knighten
Lahey Computer Lev Dyadkin, Richard Fuhler, Thomas Lahey, Matt Snyder
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Mary Zosel
Los Alamos National Laboratory Ralph Brickner, Margaret Simmons
Louisiana State University J. Ramanujam
MasPar Computer Corporation Richard Swift
Meiko, Inc. James Cownie
nCUBE, Inc. Barry Keane, Venkata Konda
Ohio State University P. Sadayappan
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology Robert Babb II
The Portland Group, Inc. Vince Schuster
Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science Robert Schreiber
Rice University Ken Kennedy, Charles Koelbel
Schlumberger Peter Highnam
Shell Don Heller
State University of New York at Buffalo Min-You Wu
SunPro and Sun Microsystems Prakash Narayan, Douglas Walls
Syracuse University Alok Choudhary, Tom Haupt
TNO-TU Delft Edwin Paalvast, Henk Sips
Thinking Machines Corporation Jim Bailey, Richard Shapiro, Guy Steele
United Technologies Corporation Richard Shapiro
University of Stuttgart Uwe Geuder, Bernhard Woerner, Roland Zink
University of Southampton John Merlin
University of Vienna Barbara Chapman, Hans Zima
Yale University Marina Chen, Aloke Majumdar

Many people contributed sections to the final language specification and HPF Journal of Development, including Alok Choudhary, Geoffrey Fox, Tom Haupt, Maureen Hoffert, Ken Kennedy, Robert Knighten, Charles Koelbel, David Loveman, Piyush Mehrotra, John Merlin, Tin-Fook Ngai, Rex Page, Sanjay Ranka, Robert Schreiber, Richard Shapiro, Marc Snir, Matt Snyder, Guy Steele, Richard Swift, Min-You Wu, and Mary Zosel. Many others contributed shorter passages and examples and corrected errors.

Because public input was encouraged on electronic mailing lists, it is impossible to identify all who contributed to discussions; the entire mailing list was over 500 names long. Following are some of the active participants in the HPFF process not mentioned above:

N. ArunasalamWerner AssmannMarc Baber
Babak BagheriBasanth BalaJason Behm
Peter BelmontMike BernhardtKeith Bierman
Christian BishofJohn BolstadWilliam Camp
Duane CarbonRichard CarpenterBrice Cassenti
Doreen ChengMark ChristonFabien Coelho
Robert CorbettBill CrutchfieldJ. C. Diaz
James DemmelAlan EgolfBo Einarsson
Pablo ElustondoRobert FerrellRhys Francis
Hans-Hermann FreseSteve GoldhaberBrent Gorda
Rick GortonRobert HalsteadReinhard von Hanxleden
Hiroki HondaCarol HooverSteven Huss-Lederman
Ken JscobsenElaine JacobsonBehm Jason
Alan KarpRonan KnobeDavid Kotz
Ross KnippeBruce KnobeDavid Kotz
Ed KrallTom LakePeter Lawrence
Bryan LawverBruce LeasureStewart Levin
David LevineTheodore LewisWoody Lichtenstein
Ruth LovelyDoug MacDonaldRaymond Man
Stephen MarkPhilippe MarquetJeanne Martin
Oliver McBryanCharlie McDowellMichael Metcalf
Charles MosherLen MossLenore Mullin
Yoichi MuraokaBernie MurrayVicki Newton
Dale NielsenKayutov NikolaySteve O'Neale
Jeff PainterCherri PancakeHarvey Richardson
Bob RileyKevin RobertRon Schmucker
J. L. SchonfelderDoug ScofieldDavid Serafini
G. M. SigutAnthony SkjellumNiraj Srivastava
Paul St. PierreNick StanfordMia Stephens
Jaspal SubhlokXiaobai SunHanna Szoke
Bernard TourancheanAnna TsaoAlex Vasilevsky
Stephen VavasisArthur VeenBrian Wake
Ji WangKaren WarrenD. C. B. Watson
Matthijis van WaveremRobert WeaverFred Webb
Stephen WhitleyMichael WolfeFujio Yamamoto
Marco Zagha

The following organizations made the language draft available by anonymous FTP access and/or mail servers: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Cornell Theory Center, GMD-I1.T (Sankt Augustin), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Rice University, Syracuse University, and Thinking Machines Corporation. These outlets were instrumental in distributing the document.

The High Performance Fortran Forum also received a great deal of volunteer effort in nontechnical areas. Theresa Chatman and Ann Redelfs were responsible for most of the meeting planning and organization, including the first HPFF meeting, which drew over 125 people. Shaun Bonton, Rachele Harless, Rhonda Perales, Seryu Patel, and Daniel Swint helped with many logistical details. Danny Powell spent a great deal of time handling the financial details of the project. Without these people, it is unlikely that HPF would have been completed.

HPFF operated on a very tight budget (in reality, it had no budget when the first meeting was announced). The first meeting in Houston was entirely financed from the conferences budget of the Center for Research on Parallel Computation, an NSF Science and Technology Center. DARPA and NSF have supported research at various institutions that have made a significant contribution towards the development of High Performance Fortran. Their sponsored projects at Rice, Syracuse, and Yale Universities were particularly influential in the HPFF process. Support for several European participants was provided by ESPRIT through projects P6643 (PPPE) and P6516 (PREPARE).

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