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HPF_CRAFT is a hybrid language, combining an SPMD execution model with high performing and portable HPF features. The model combines the multi-threaded execution of HPF_LOCAL and the HPF syntax and features. The goal of HPF_CRAFT is to attain the potential performance of an SPMD programming model with access to HPF features and a well-defined extrinsic interface to HPF. It is built on top of the HPF_LOCAL extrinsic environment.

SPMD features and a multi-threaded model allow the user to take advantage of the performance and opportunity for low level access of a more general purpose programming model. Including HPF data distribution features gives the programmer access to high performing aspects of both models, but with the added responsibility of working with a more low-level execution model. HPF_CRAFT is best suited for platforms that support one way communication features, but is consistent with HPF and easily targeted for platforms that have HPF and can support SPMD programming styles.

The HPF features included in HPF_CRAFT are a subset of the full HPF language, chosen for their performance and their broad portability and ease of use. HPF_CRAFT contains additional features to support SPMD programming styles. There are some differences from HPF, however. For example, I/O causes differences; in HPF_CRAFT different processors are allowed to read from different files at the same time, in HPF the processors must all read from the same file. The differences in the models are principally caused by the multi-threaded execution model and the introduction of HPF_LOCAL data rules.

HPF_CRAFT allows for the notion of private data. Data defaults to a mapping in which data items are allocated so that each processor has a unique copy. The values of the individual data items and the flow of control may vary from processor to processor within HPF_CRAFT. This behavior is consistent with the behavior of HPF_LOCAL. In HPF_CRAFT a processor may be individually named and code executed based upon which processor it is executing on. HPF_CRAFT also allows for the notion of private loops. A private loop is executed in entirety by each processor.

The rules governing the interface to HPF_CRAFT subprograms are similar to those for the HPF_LOCAL interface. Dummy arguments use a hybrid of the interfaces between HPF and itself and that of HPF and HPF_LOCAL. Explicitly mapped dummy arguments behave just as they do in HPF, while default (private) dummy arguments use the HPF_LOCAL calling convention.

HPF_CRAFT will be initially made available on Cray MPP systems and may also be available on Cray vector architectures. Future versions of HPF_CRAFT are possible on other vendor's architectures as well.

HPF_CRAFT is being implemented for Cray Research by The Portland Group, Inc. For Cray systems, HPF_CRAFT may be obtained through the Cray Research Inc. orderdesk,

		 Cray Research Inc.


(612) 683-5907

Additional formal documentation, requests, and suggestions can be made to
		 The Portland Group

9150 SW Pioneer Ct., Suite H

Wilsonville, OR 97070

(503) 682-2806


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