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Sequence Association Rules

  1. When an array element or the name of an assumed-size array is used as an actual argument, the associated dummy argument must be a scalar or specified to be a sequential array.

    An array-element designator of a nonsequential array must not be associated with a dummy array argument.

  2. When an actual argument is an array or array section and the corresponding dummy argument differs from the actual argument in shape, then the dummy argument must be declared sequential and the actual array argument must be sequential.
  3. An object of type character (scalar or array) is nonsequential if it conforms to the requirements of Definition 4 of Section If the length of an explicit-length character dummy argument differs from the length of the actual argument, then both the actual and dummy arguments must be sequential.
  4. Without an explicit interface, a sequential actual may not be associated with a nonsequential dummy and a nonsequential actual may not be associated with a sequential dummy. (This item merely repeats part of Section 4.6).

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