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!Example 1: COMMON /FOO/ A(100), B(100), C(100), D(100), E(100) DIMENSION X(100), Y(150), Z(200) EQUIVALENCE ( A(1), Z(1) ) !Four components: (A, B), C, D, E !Sizes are: 200, 100, 100, 100!Example 2: COMMON /FOO/ A(100), B(100), C(100), D(100), E(100) DIMENSION X(100), Y(150), Z(200) EQUIVALENCE ( A(51), X(1) ) ( B(100), Y(1) ) !Two components (A, B, C, D), E !Sizes are: 400, 100
!Example 3: COMMON /FOO/ A(100), B(100), C(100), D(100), E(100) DIMENSION X(100), Y(150), Z(200) !HPF SEQUENCE /FOO/ !The COMMON has one component, (A, B, C, D, E) !Size is 500
The COMMON block /FOO/ is nonsequential in Examples 1 and 2. Aggregate variable groups are shown as components in parentheses.
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