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The SEQUENCE Directive

A SEQUENCE directive is defined to allow a user to declare explicitly that data objects or COMMON blocks are to be treated by the compiler as sequential. (COMMON blocks are by default nonsequential. Data objects are nonsequential unless Definition 4 of Section 3.8 applies.) Some implementations may supply an optional compilation environment where the SEQUENCE directive is applied by default. For completeness in such an environment, HPF defines a NO SEQUENCE directive to allow a user to establish that the usual nonsequential default should apply to a scoping unit or to selected data objects and COMMON blocks within the scoping unit.

H333 sequence-directiveis SEQUENCE [ [ :: ] association-name-list ]
or NO SEQUENCE [ [ :: ] association-name-list ]
H334 association-nameis object-name
or / [ common-block-name ] /

A sequential pointer can be associated only with sequential objects. A nonsequential pointer can be associated only with nonsequential objects.

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