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Storage Association Rules

  1. A sequence-directive with an empty association-name-list is treated as if it contained the names of all implicitly mapped objects and COMMON blocks in the scoping unit that cannot otherwise be determined to be sequential or nonsequential by their language context.
  2. A sequential object may not be explicitly mapped.
  3. No explicit mapping may be given for a component of a derived type having the Fortran SEQUENCE attribute. Note that this rule is applicable only under the approved extensions since

    components of derived types cannot be explicitly mapped in HPF.

  4. If a COMMON block is nonsequential, then all of the following must hold:

    1. Every occurrence of the COMMON block has exactly the same number of components with each corresponding component having a storage sequence of exactly the same size;
    2. If a component is a nonsequential variable in any occurrence of the COMMON block, then it must be nonsequential with identical type, shape, and mapping attributes in every occurrence of the COMMON block; and
    3. Every occurrence of the COMMON block must be nonsequential.

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