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Semantics and Implementation of Reduction


HPF specifies an allowed parallel implementation of an INDEPENDENT DO loop with reduction statements, thereby specifying the semantics of such a loop.

Just as the result of the Fortran intrinsic function SUM is defined to be a implementation-dependent approximation to the sum of the elements of its argument array, the value of a reduction variable on exit from its INDEPENDENT DO loop is likewise not completely specified by HPF. One possible value is that which would have been computed by sequential execution of the loop, but other implementation-dependent approximations to this value may be produced. Any such implementation-dependent value is, however, an approximation to the value produced by sequential execution of the loop. If rounding error, underflow, and overflow do not occur, it will be identical to that value.

Since no reference to a protected reduction variable can occur except in a reduction statement, it is not necessary to define the values that these variables may have while protected.

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