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Access to Types, Procedures, and Data


In general, program units of a given extrinsic kind may use names of types, procedures, or data of another program unit of the same extrinsic kind, subject to the scoping rules of Fortran.

Use of names of types, procedures, or data of another program unit of a different extrinsic kind are subject to additional restrictions summarized in Table 6.1 and described below.

Note that, if a module X of one HPF extrinsic kind is used by a program unit Y of another HPF extrinsic kind, then only names of items in X that Y is entitled to use or invoke may be use associated; that is, either X must make private all items that Y is not entitled to use, or the USE statement in Y must have an ONLY option that lists only names of items it is entitled to use.

Table 6.1: Entities that a using program unit is entitled to access from a module, according to the HPF extrinsic kind of each.  

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